Notable Alumni

So much success. So many different fields. Fishburne Alumni are accomplished in so many amazing ways. Here are just of few of our alumni who have gone on to great things.

Notable Alumnus
Gerald L. Baliles
Governor of Virginia 1986-90
Class of ’59

杰拉尔德·李·贝利斯是弗吉尼亚州的一名律师和民主党政治家,他的职业生涯跨越了他的家乡发生的巨大的社会和技术变革. The 65th Governor of Virginia (from 1986 to 1990), 这位帕特里克县人曾担任联邦司法部长(1982-85)。. 巴利斯领导着与他的母校有关的无党派的米勒公共事务中心, the University of Virginia (2006-2014). Known for his civility and bipartisanship, 巴利斯还监督出版了十多卷约翰·F·肯尼迪总统的白宫录音记录. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon presidencies and fostered its oral history program.

Notable Alumnus
Reno Collier
Stand-up Comedian
Class of ’89

里诺·科利尔是一名单口相声演员,他以《MG游戏APP》的开场表演和他自己的喜剧中心特别节目而闻名. Collier was featured on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Next Generation. A great guy with a big heart, while at Fishburne, 里诺在学校前面的护墙里“游览”了好几个小时,给大家带来了几个小时的喜剧效果. 他在北卡罗来纳州的埃隆学院(现在的埃隆大学)获得本科学位. In July 2009, Collier hosted The Great American Road Trip on NBC. He was the host of the new Animal Planet reality competition show Top Hooker.

Notable Alumnus
Honorable Alvin T. Wong
President \ Council of State Court Judges \ Georgia
Class of ’70

In the summer of 2021, 黄耀文法官当选为乔治亚州州法院法官委员会主席, 成为乔治亚州第一位担任司法委员会主席的亚裔. A former partner at Gambrell and Stolz (now Baker Donelson), 黄法官在参选前有21年的公司律师和出庭律师经验. 他是乔治亚州律师协会调查小组的主席,负责对乔治亚州律师的不道德行为采取纪律处分. His heart is in the community, he has been recognized multiple times for citizenship, leadership, and trailblazing.

Notable Alumnus
SFC Tarek Bathiche (Ret)
Class of ’01

一等中士塔里克·巴切最近从美国陆军退役. Bathiche是一个有成就的非政府组织和领导人,在他20年的军事生涯中,他取得了一系列堪称典范的成就. Not one for taking breaks, Bathiche has already started a new job with a technology company in Florida. 他说他一定会在22年的校友周末露面,庆祝他的第20届同学聚会. Tarek now lives in Florida with his wife, Evi, and their three children: Anthony, 16; Sophia, 13; and Nicolas, 12.

Notable Alumnus
R. Keith Shackleford, Esquire
Lawyer \ Town Commissioner for Wake Forest
Class of ’88

On December 21, R. Keith Shackleford, Esq. was sworn in as Town Commissioner for Wake Forest, NC. A member of Warren, Shackleford & Thomas PLLC, his legal career has been in the practice of civil litigation, personal injury and criminal law. 他目前专注于遗产规划、遗嘱认证管理和民事诉讼. 自2007年以来,Keith一直担任fishburn的受托人,他还担任Wake Technical的受托人 & Community College, 维克森林商会的董事和维克县律师协会的董事.

Commencement Address \ Keith Shackleford

Notable Alumnus
Vince McMahon
Chairman \ World Wrestling Entertainment
Class of ’64

Vincent Kennedy McMahon is an American professional wrestling promoter, executive and media proprietor, currently serving as the chairman and CEO of WWE, the largest professional wrestling promotion in the world. 自20世纪70年代以来,摔跤迷就熟悉了他的公众形象,他的职业生涯分为两个不同的时期. Prior 1997, he was a jovial announcer. After, he adapted his real-life persona to create the gimmick of Mr. McMahon; a wildly swagger walking, suit-wearing, irascible tyrant obsessed with maintaining tight, agenda-driven control of his company at any cost, with the catch phrase “You’rrre firrred!!!”


Notable Alumnus
Eugene Gray Payne
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist
Class of ’38

Eugene Payne was an American political cartoonist and writer. Working for The Charlotte Observer, 1967年,他凭借一幅漫画获得了Sigma Delta Chi奖,漫画中,林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B . Johnson)总统抱着一个哭泣的婴儿坐在一辆标有“越南战争”的公共汽车上,而公共汽车司机说:“我的父亲是越南战争”. King says, would you please move to the back of the bus.这幅漫画暗示,在美国,越南战争是次于民权问题的. 1968年,佩恩以越南战争和民权问题为主题的漫画获得普利策奖.

Editorial Profile \ Fishburne Quadrangle

Notable Alumnus
John Campbell
Co-Founder \ Bassist
Lamb of God Heavy Metal Band
Class of ’90

约翰·史蒂文·坎贝尔是重金属乐队Lamb of God的贝斯手和创始成员之一. He is the only constant member of the band since its inception. 坎贝尔是一名素食主义者,毕业于弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒的MG游戏APP. Unlike many bassists who use four and five string bass guitars, Campbell, at one time, played a self-modified three-stringed Guild Pilot bass, excluding the higher G-string.

Interview with John Campbell by Metalship

Notable Alumnus
W. Richard Stevens
Technical Author \ UNIX \ TCP/IP
Class of ’68

威廉·理查德·史蒂文斯是北罗得西亚出生的美国计算机科学书籍作家, in particular books on UNIX and TCP/IP. After attending Fishburne, 他获得航空航天工程学士学位,后来获得系统工程硕士学位和博士学位. He was Vice President of Computing Services at Health Systems International. Then in 1990 he pursued his career as an author and consultant. 作为一名狂热的飞行员和兼职飞行教练,史蒂文斯于1999年去世(享年48岁)。. In 2000, he was posthumously awarded the Usenix Lifetime Achievement Award.

Notable Alumnus
Kurt Cook
Retired Major \ US Army Special Forces
CEO \ Adaptive Recovery Wear
Class of ’87

Kurt Cook '87 is a retired major in the U.S. Army Special Forces. As a stand-out ROTC student at Towson (MD), 库尔特每天早上游泳2000米,每天锻炼,体重达到220磅. Sworn into the US Army in 1995, Cook perservered and after 10 years of service, training and study, earned his tab and green beret. 军旅生涯结束后,库尔特在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的亨德里克赛车运动公司驾驶赛车. He recently founded Adaptive Recovery Wear (2017) and serves as the CEO.

Editorial Profile \ Fishburne Quadrangle

Notable Alumnus
Glen McClung, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon \ Sports Medicine
Class of ’91

Glen McClung, M.D. 是一个获得委员会认证并接受过奖学金培训的骨科医生和运动医学医生,他的热情是支持高中运动员吗. He enjoys teaching preventative methods to avoid injuries, as well as initiating the recovery process as soon as an injury takes place. He specializes in the treatment of elbow, hip, knee, and shoulder injuries, 自2015年以来,他每年都被选为《MG游戏APP》的最佳医生.

Editorial Profile \ Fishburne Quadrangle

Notable Alumnus
Otto Felix
Actor \ Screenwriter \ Poet \ Photographer
Class of ’62

奥托·菲利克斯是一名电影和电视演员、表演老师和静止摄影师. After having served in the U.S. 在开始演艺生涯之前,他曾在佛罗里达州担任音乐节目主持人. 菲利克斯在20世纪70年代初进入好莱坞后,出演了350多条电视广告. Felix authored several books of poems, still photographs and drawings. His photographs appeared in Time, People, Life, BAM, L.A. Weekly, Billboard, Drama Logue, Variety, and Photographer. 他获得了金靴奖最佳乡村专辑奖和美国摄影师协会最佳黑人奖 & White in 1989 & 99.

Notable Alumnus
John O. Noonan
National Security Analyst \ Writer
Class of ’99

约翰·努南是美国保守派国家安全评论员和分析师. 他是杰布·布什总统竞选期间的国家安全政策顾问, and foreign policy advisor and speechwriter for Mitt Romney in 2012. 他是《MG游戏APP》的主要辩护撰稿人,也是外交政策倡议组织的政策主管. Before moving to the FPI, 当时的努南上尉在美国空军全球打击司令部担任民兵III发射官.

Commencement Speech 2018 \ John Noonan

Notable Alumnus
Russell A. Hitt
Former Chairman Emeritus of Hitt Contracting
Class of ’53

Friend. Teacher. Inspiration. Russell A. Hitt was the former Chairman Emeritus of Hitt Contracting of Falls Church, VA, one of the nation’s leading commercial contracting firms. Mr. 希特从父母手中接管了家族企业,并将其发展成为今天的公司. The Hitt-Millar Field House was mostly funded and dedicated to Mr. Hitt and his son-in-law, Jim Millar (also a Fishburne alumnus). Co-Chairman Brett Hitt says, “我父亲一直专注于一种令人难以置信的职业道德,以及照顾身边的人. These principles are the core ideology of HITT today.”