

MG游戏APP(FMS)是一所私立学校, 韦恩斯伯勒的男子军事寄宿学校, 维吉尼亚州, 美国. 它是由詹姆斯一. MG游戏APP军校成立于1879年,是美国最古老的军事学校之一.

詹姆斯一. MG游戏APP于1850年4月10日出生在维吉尼亚州的韦恩斯伯勒. 作为德国后裔,他的家人于1749年移民到宾夕法尼亚州. 1784年,他的祖父把全家带到了斯汤顿. 詹姆斯的父亲丹尼尔·MG游戏APP在1819年年轻时搬到了韦恩斯伯勒. At that time, Waynesboro was a small settlement on the stage road from Staunton to Charlottesville. 随着小镇的发展,丹尼尔成为了一个生意兴隆的杂货店老板. 詹姆斯在14个孩子中排行第11.

内战打断了詹姆斯快乐的童年时光,给他的家庭带来了悲剧. 他是一个独立而足智多谋的年轻人, 然而, 16岁的时候, had made enough money to enter Washington College (now Washington 和 Lee University) 和 the four years he spent there (1866-1870) under General Robert E. 对他的一生产生了深远的影响. 詹姆斯渴望成为一名教师,开办自己的学校, 还有李将军的鼓励, 詹姆斯很快看到他的梦想实现了. 将军对责任的热爱, 荣誉, 和 his fellow man is clearly seen in the principles on which the 费什伯恩 Military School was founded.

所有权/ 1879 - 1916

詹姆斯·MG游戏APP很快就开始了他的教学生涯,并因此进入了牛津大学, 北卡罗莱纳, 和新罗伊, 肯塔基州. By 1878, he had enough money to start a school 和 returned to Waynesboro with his bride to realize his dream. With the help of his sister, 费什伯恩 opened a day school called The Waynesboro High School. The first class of thirteen boys 和 girls was held in 1879 in the upstairs of the old Taylor Building on Main Street. 第二年, 他在废弃的韦恩斯伯勒学院大楼扩建, 聘请了他的第一位教练, 并为外地学生出价.

从第三届开始,学校只招收男生. 到今年, 设立了具有挑战性的课程:三门外语, 八门科学和数学课程, 英语, 历史, 地理位置, 还有其他九门课程.

也是在1880年,MG游戏APP教授开始建造他的家, 它坐落在现在MG游戏APP所在的山上. 他从约书亚·埃文斯的妻子伊丽莎白·埃文斯那里买下了1.5英亩土地. 一年后,MG游戏APP教授又在他的土地上增加了大约两英亩土地. MG游戏APP教授的住宅于1882年完工,学校也搬到了现在的位置. 他的两层楼的房子有一个完整的地下室,供寄宿学生居住. 教师和学生在这里住宿、吃饭和学习. Local histories indicate that this was the first house in the county with running water 和 a bath served by water pumped from a Wayne Avenue spring. 学校的名字变成了MG游戏APP家庭学校, 同年, 木制营房开始建造.

在接下来的几年里,这所学校呈现出了浓厚的军事色彩, 虽然当时还不要求穿军装. The wooden Barracks were to be enlarged three times before they were razed in 1917 upon the completion of the fireproof barracks. 虽然在设计上很简单, the original barracks building was decorated with ornamentation suggestive of the Gothic style.

In 1883, 一个军校毕业生被聘为教官, 他指示了一个密训程序. 第二年,船长I.H. 桑德斯, 弗吉尼亚军事学院的毕业生, 成为了指挥官和MG游戏APP教授的助手. 当时要求穿军装, 学生变成了军校学员, 这所学校变成了MG游戏APP. The 军事 approach to education provided a disciplined 和 conducive environment for learning. 学员们学习了他们的权利和特权,也学习了他们的义务和责任. Professor 费什伯恩’s aims for the school were to prepare his students physically 和 mentally while equipping them “for college, 大学, 或者实际生活.”

费什伯恩 Military School became one of the first two schools in 维吉尼亚州 to be accredited by the stringent Southern Association of Secondary Schools. 这项荣誉是在1897年授予的. 即使在今天, 费什伯恩 boasts an unbroken membership record in this critical 和 select educational association, 使它成为弗吉尼亚州的一个独特的例子.

1901年,摩根. 哈金斯, 弗吉尼亚军事学院的毕业生, joined 费什伯恩 Military School as the 学校的校长 of 学员 和 Associate Principle to Professor 费什伯恩. 摩根·哈金斯在这所学校的任期长达51年. 一个强壮能干的人, he led the school through periods of growth 和 substantial development in its 军事 training.

公司1916 - 1951年

MG游戏APP教授来说,一个现代的, fireproof facility would be required if the school continued its place in the forefront of secondary education. He invited the community’s outst和ing 和 successful businesspeople to invest in a private stock corporation to acquire the school 和 fund the necessary improvements. 这所学校于1916年成立. 斯汤顿的建筑师T.J. 柯林斯被雇用了,新军营的建设很快就开始了. The mess hall/chapel/swimming pool wing 和 the kitchen were added in 1919 和 1921, respectively. 1919年,兵营后面还建了一座木制的体育馆. 旧框架兵营于1917年被拆除, 在新兵营前形成宽敞的护墙(训练区). The large field occupying the 费什伯恩 property’s eastern portion was graded 和 leveled for use as a parade/athletic field.

也, in 1919, an Infantry Unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps was granted to the school by the War Department. This allowed for an active-duty 军队 officer to be stationed at the school for three-year tours of duty, 在此期间,他和其他军队人员进行军事训练课程. 这种步兵单位系统将持续到20世纪70年代中期. 陆军部, 在20世纪40年代更名为国防部, 继续管辖MG游戏APP的后备军官训练队.

1921年,兵营西翼完工. 同年的停战日,詹姆斯·MG游戏APP在家中平静地去世了. 他是一个了不起的献身精神的人,他最后有意识的话语是为“我的孩子们”祈祷.”

哈金斯上校接替MG游戏APP教授担任校长. 在哈金斯的领导下, MG游戏APP军校在学术上取得了巨大的成功, 军事, 还有接下来31年的课外活动. In 1924, the 费什伯恩 学员 Corps was first rated an 荣誉 军事 school under the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program of the U.S. 军队. 费什伯恩 has never failed to achieve this 荣誉 和 is distinguished as the only Junior ROTC school in the country with such a record.

In 1939, 一场大火烧毁了框架体育馆, 学校开始着手修建行政大楼, 包括fishburn的住宅. 学校再次召集了T.J. 柯林斯公司设计结构. 该建筑于1940年完工,由法官C.G. 五月演习开始时的提问. 这座新建筑包括行政单位、纪念大厅和图书馆. 后面的体育馆装备齐全,有步枪靶场和球队更衣室.


到40年代末, it was apparent that the school’s future lay in growth 和 development as a nonprofit educational foundation. 1951年对MG游戏APP来说是至关重要的一年. Mounting losses 和 unwillingness to invest the necessary private capital forced the stockholders to offer the school for sale. 当地政府买下了这所学校,把它改造成了韦恩斯伯勒市政大楼. 当地公民领袖, viewing 费什伯恩 Military School as an integral part of Waynesboro’s heritage 和 a valuable community asset, 还有一小群朋友和校友, formed an organization that was able to purchase the school from the city a few months later, 从而使MG游戏APP继续不间断的教育服务记录. 这个非营利组织, fishburn - hudgins教育基金会, 被特许永久经营学校.

尽管MG游戏APP军校已经随着时代而改变, its mission remains committed to Professor 费什伯恩’s desire to make 费什伯恩 cadets “well equipped for the duties 和 responsibilities of life, 最重要的是, 在学员队伍中保持高度的荣誉和正直.“今天, 费什伯恩 Military School is the oldest 军事 school in the Commonwealth 和 the 13th oldest in the Nation, 仍在运行.



On the Third Anniversary of Armistice Day of 1921, Professor 费什伯恩 died peacefully at his home. 他最后有意识的话语是为“我的孩子们”祈祷.他的继任者是摩根. 哈金斯, 弗吉尼亚军事学院的毕业生, who had joined the school in 1901 as the 学校的校长 of 学员 和 Associate Principal to Professor 费什伯恩. 哈金斯 led the school through periods of growth 和 substantial development in its 军事 training. 在他31年的校长生涯中, FMS在学术上取得了巨大的成功, 军事, 还有课外活动. In 1924, the 费什伯恩 Cadet Corps was rated an 荣誉 军事 school under the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program of the U.S. 军队. 费什伯恩 has never failed to achieve this 荣誉 since 和 is the only Junior ROTC school in the country with such an unbroken record.


到40年代末, 学校正遭受经济损失, 和 stockholders were unwilling to invest the private capital necessary for the school’s success. In 1951, 后的损失, 股东们把学校卖给了市政府, 打算把它改造成韦恩斯伯勒市政大楼. 然而, local civic leaders saw 费什伯恩 Military School as a valuable community asset 和 an integral part of Waynesboro’s heritage. 还有一小群朋友和校友, they purchased the school from the city 和 established fishburn - hudgins教育基金会, 一个非营利性组织将永久运营学校. 2021年是基金会成立70周年.


近年来, 费什伯恩 has experienced variations in enrollment according to the national 和 regional economic climate, 普通民众对军队寄宿学校的看法, 还有越来越多的替代公立学校的选择. 在过去的二十年里,平均招生人数在130到180人之间. 新冠肺炎疫情在一定程度上影响了登机人数. MG游戏APP的新品牌研究将利用和推广该校的规模和产品, 目标是招收165-175名寄宿学生.